Produce for chefs
Produce for households

Food for all

Discover the Taste of Soul Farm

Whether you are a household, individual or a chef we have produce for you.

Embrace Nature's Bounty

At Soul Farm, we believe in the power of nature. Our agroecological and no-dig methods ensure that our vegetables are grown in harmony with the environment, preserving the earth's natural resources.

Transform Your Plate,
Transform the World

By choosing Soul Farm, you're not just enjoying a delicious meal. You're supporting a food justice-oriented organisation that is dedicated to creating a more sustainable and equitable food system.

Nourish Your Soul

At Soul Farm, every vegetable is grown to nourish your body, mind, and soul. Taste the love, dedication, and passion in every bite, and experience true culinary bliss.

The Food Barn famers market

We co-founded this farmers market. Founded as a CIC as a response to restaurants closing during the pandemic. It runs every Saturday and you can pick up all your veg and fruit from us

Restaurants and chefs

Get in touch as we’ll send you our availability. Our range is much more extensive during the summer months. But we do supply our renowned salad mix year round.

“Hey just wanted to give you feedback about the leaves. It’s the best salad I’ve ever had in Cornwall and I’ve been working as a chef between here and London for 8 years! ”

— Aiden (Rastella Restaurant, Falmouth)